Friday, June 22, 2018

Infinity Countdown #2-3

Written by Gerry DugganPenciled by Aaron Kuder
Covers by Nick Bradshaw
Published April 18 and May 2, 2018

   Along with a brand new Groot, the Guardians make quick work of Scar. They join Drax in defending the Power Stone vs both the Chitauri's Warbringer and the Raptors. The battle rages mightily between them before Talonar recognizes Richard Rider. He reveals himself as his long lost brother Robbie, and the two enjoy the reunion before being crushed by the Warbringer.

What a great reunion!

   Scott Adsit calls for med evacs as Ant Man tries his best to shrink the massive power stone. Eve Bakian finally gives birth to her daughter in the warzone, but the war continues to escalate.
   Meanwhile, Adam Warlock emerges from his tomb and zips through the galaxy to capture the Soul Stone to trade Kang. When he gets there, he finds Ultron-Bots and the entire planet conquered. He's engulfed in them but the power inside him blows the robots to bits. He asks where Ultron Prime is and he finally finds him - torturing and assimilating the Silver Surfer.

Oh, Adam - there you are. Say, give me a hand with this...

   Warlock punches Ultron but is eventually being overtaken by the captured Surfer. He finally is able to heal the cosmic hero, but when he returns to life, he flees - leaving Warlock in Ultron's grasp... unable to do anything in the wake of his universal conquering missile launch.
   Back at the power stone, the fight continues but the Warbringer is slowly gaining ground. Antman is blasted unconsciously onto a stretcher bound for evacuation. Meanwhile Robbie is tended to by his Raptors, but before leaving, gifts his Nova brother with some advice - the Power Stone is all mind over matter.

"...the money... is in... the banana stand..."

   As the Guardians begin to accept defeat, the only thing left to do is ask Drax to finally play them some saxophone. He blasts out some apparently unreal tunes, distracting the Chitauri until Nova is able to deliver Talonar's message. Star Lord walks towards the stone and with mind over matter, immediately shrinks it to fit in his hand.

Well that was easy.

   The issue wraps with Quill throwing the stone into Drax's horn, soothing the remaining fight into an explosive wave of defeat. Drax tosses the stone to Richard, and the Nova shoots them off the planet's surface. But as they fly from the planets surface, elswhere the Silver Surfer beckons a cosmic elder for one more favor. Galactus looks towards him, with the request to devour one more planet for the good of the universe. What happens next? We'll have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.

Excuse me, but aren't you that gigantic planet eating fellow?

   If you've listened to a lot of my reviews, you know I'm not a humongous fan of the intergalactic side of Marvel. The Kree, the Skrulls, Galactus, and the Silver surfer - they've always been a little over my head. But one thing that can swiftly change my interest is the involvement of the master storyteller, Gerry Duggan. While these books are incredibly long, he's keeping me reeled in, and I'm stoked to see where he eventually wraps all this up. I give both of these books a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copies of this book HERE and HERE.

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