Friday, June 22, 2018

Justice League #43


Written by Christopher Priest
Penciled by Pete Woods
Cover by David Yardin
Published April 18, 2018

   Jessica Cruz waits for the Justice League - but they haven't showed. The reason why? They're dealing with Deathstroke in Africa, who has a contract with the Red Lion. Luckily though, Cyborg has an idea.

Cyborg with the plan...

   Meanwhile, Raven uses magic to heal Wonder Woman, but leaves her in a fight for her life against Thanatos. But while she fights in another realm, the League seemingly struggles with Deathstroke. He battles them all until finally only Cyborg remains.
   Deathstroke knocks him out with a brutal shock, and turns to deal with the warlords next but predictably sees them running away. The situation is defused, and his contract clause with Red Lion is finished.

Pay that man.

   Wonder Woman returns, and she and Flash hurriedly return to the fight. She gets there and punches out Deathstroke but the rest of the Justice League is completely fine. They all took dives so Deathstroke could complete his mission without killing anyone.
   Simon Baz finally gets lunch with Superman, but can't handle it. While Jessica heads to Wayne Manor to apologize to Bruce for kissing him. Catwoman opens the door and apparently all is forgiven.

The Big Reveal: Catwoman watches shitty television.

   Cyborg, Batman, and Superman settle up all their differences. The Justice League must go on. Meanwhile the day for their meeting arrives, and Jessica is again still waiting. Vixen comes in and assumes all JL teams are officially dissolved. Jess wonders what she'll do but is suddenly surprised to see everyone, including Martian Manhunter. There's a crisis and they need help... but is Green Lantern in? Of course she is. With that - this series comes to a bittersweet conclusion.

But do we get a vacation first?

   And so the Rebirth era and everything that seemed to follow it comes to an end. While I'm going to miss Christopher Priest, the time did inevitably feel right like it was time to wrap it up. Seeing a bloodied team on the cover felt a little defeating, but the story came cohesively together. It was a great series, but I'm excited to see what's next for our favorite heroes. I give this one a 9/10.

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