Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Daredevil #601-603


Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Mike Henderson
Cover by Chris Sprouse
Published April 18May 16, and May 30, 2018

   Matt Murdock is now the acting mayor of New York City. After brazenly thwarting a Hand assassination attempt, he walks into City Hall with news about ninja attacks all over town. Murdock's first official act is to free the recently captured superheroes who were acting on his orders. They're newest assignment: Take out the Hand.

Get to stompin', super friends!

   Next up, Matt fires Kingpin goon Wesley as his chief of staff. With a phone call, Foggy is placed in the position. He continues reiterating to his staff to keep the citizens off the streets. Foggy arrives and is immediately charged with covering for his secret-superhero boss. Suddenly, Blindspot flies in the window and tells Matt the Hand have come for revenge due to giving him the power to kill Muse.

It's ok, Blindspot. Its not like he hasn't had to save you a million times already.

   Daredevil and Blindspot head to police HQ which has recently been overrun with Hand foot soldiers. They fight closer towards the building but after infiltrating, find it empty... but with a gigantic hole punched in the floor.

Wait, we need to see if this is covered under warranty...

   With need for more help, Daredevil calls on Elektra. In return, he promises to give her the names of those who invaded her mind. Next up, Matt calls Ryker's Island to make a deal with New York's supervillain crime lords. Freedom for their agreed cooperation. He reassures Foggy that it's pretty much their best chance.

Sure. We ain't got anything better to do...

   Meanwhile, the Beast sits filled with hatred and fear. It opens it's mouth and releases a scary, green cloud  - the embodiment of terror and all things evil. It drifts above the city and begins to overtake everything in it's path. Matt is too taken down as Foggy and Blindspot drag him back inside.


   The issue wraps with the new mayor unconscious, and an imposing gas mask wielding figure walking up the steps. He asks for entry, proving his value as he somehow makes the cloud dissipate. Inside he reveals himself as... Matt's priest, Father Jordan?! Pretty unexpected... but we'll have to wait to see what happens next, as this issue is left to be continued...

It's good to have the Lord on your side in Hells Kitchen.

   Charles Soule keeps putting in work, as his legendary run on Daredevil survives it's Legacy benchmark and keeps on delivering. Not only is he able to hatch awesome new arcs, he's able to sustain it at a high level, with every turn getting better and better. Mike Henderson might not be Ron Garney, but he's still able to craft the artwork in true Daredevil style. I give these three books a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of these books HERE, HERE, and HERE..

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