Thursday, July 27, 2017

Star Wars #33

Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Salvador Larroca
Cover by Mike Mayhew
Published July 5, 2017

   After the events of the screaming citadel, Luke and Leia find themselves in a ship with no power. Luke manages to pilot them towards a tropical planet and weeks later, they've adapted to island life. They work together to hunt and survive and the more time they spend together, the more the two orphaned siblings learn about each other. 
"Hey Leia - Is that Alderaan?... GAH.. Sorry. Too soon..." 

   One day while hunting, they hear a loud boom and splash off the coast. A strange race of mer people walk from the water carrying a stormtrooper helmet. As the two cultures learn they share an enemy, they develop a plan. They build a large fire to draw attention to the remote planet, and as Luke hears another splash, he waits. An AT-AT walks in from the surf and as the recon team fans out, they're attacked by paralyzing spineshark quills.
The Empire spends all that money on Death Stars, but stormtrooper suits can't even stop splinters? 

 Next up Luke attacks with his lightsaber but is fired at by the walker. He runs and Leia draws a flaming arrow. It sails through the air and lands atop a pile of dried animal droppings and sulfur crystals, exploding and sending the AT-AT into the sea.
   Luke and Leia scavenge the remains of the Empire's equipment and are able to repair their ship. Meanwhile, Sana Starros and Lando Calrissian walk on Coruscant discussing what appears to be a terrible plan. The details will have to wait however, and with that we're left to be continued.
It's probably fine. You can always trust your buddy Lando.

   After the multi-part crossover of the last few issues of this book, it was nice to read a well needed one-shot story. Luke and Leia are growing as close as siblings can.. even though at this point, they might not know it. Jason Aaron does the official Star Wars canon proud introducting new alien races to interract with, just as he's shown in the past. I'm looking forward to see the upcoming Lando angle too. For this one, I give it a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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