Sunday, July 2, 2017

Royals #4

Written by Al Ewing
Penciled by Thony Silas
Cover by Jonboy Meyers
Published Jun 21, 2017

   5000 years ago, the last Inhuman Maximus circles a Dead Sea on the back of a giant winged dragon. Down below they prepare to once again meet Ronan. In the present however, the accuser scours the surface of Hala, burying the corpses of those killed and saying each name aloud. He vows revenge on those that betrayed them when he sees a ship zip across the atmosphere.
   Above them, Swain attempts to find a stable place to land while Maximus rides shotgun, constantly insulting and undermining everyone.. especially Gorgon. He asks why they haven't put their stowaway in the brig but Swain explains she needs him close to prevent him from controlling their minds. The conversation has distracted her though, and massive Ronan swings a mallet at the ship and knocks the wing off - and as Maximus explains, with the escape pods with it. Marvel Boy runs to the cockpit with a plan. He envelops the ship in a forcefield and Swain bounces it off Hala's surface.
   They disembark and there before them hulks the massive Ronan the Accuser. He blames them for conquering and subsequently abandoning the planet. Crystal tries to explain that Kree Intelligence was in charge of protecting the planet, but the now much more powerful Ronan doesn't listen, knocking an angry Gorgon down like a rag doll. Suddenly Gorgon is trapped in a memory. His wife Myraa accuses him of forgetting her. All of the Inhumans are also stuck in nightmares, from girlfriends to parents to spouses accusing them of doing horrible things.
   The issue wraps with a time displaced Crystal, classically dressed in her old uniform standing at the foot of Ronan's throne. He accuses her of all of the planet's woes and apparently intends to hold court. He asks her how does she plead, and with that this issue is left to be continued.
   Marvel's The Inhumans premiers right around the corner, and they're ramping up coverage of the once forgotten franchise. What everyone has pretty much written off as a knockoff X-Men, and one that the studio didn't sell the film rights away for pennies on the dollar a million years ago - this title has gotten a facelift. I enjoyed the previous Inhuman titles but this one has really surprised me. They paired down the subject matter to just the former royal family, and with a smaller team it's easier to keep tabs on everybody. I like where it's heading. I give it an 8/10.

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