Sunday, July 2, 2017

Star Wars #32

Written by Jason AaronPenciled by Salvador LaroccaCover by Marco ChecchettoPublished Jun 14, 2017

   Black Krrsantan attacks the guard outside the Screaming Citadel and is about to attack Sana, Leia, and murder droids Triple Zero and Beetee when they come up with a plan. Triple Zero convinces the brainwashed infected Wookiee to attack more guards and surprisingly he goes along with it. They follow his trail of death inside to save Han and Luke.
The guards are all gonna have a bad feeling about this...

   Meanwhile in the Queen's spire, Dr Aphra is given the unlocked rur crystal. Before she leaves, she asks what will happen to Luke. Will he have a symbiote attached to him? She says that no, she has other plans. He begs Aphra to help him as she turns away and leaves. The queen is told by their subordinates that the Wookiee was infected with a symbiote by his friends outside quarantine. She tells them to destroy him and then turns to Han Solo. The symbiote sticks into his neck and he too is born again into a servant of the queen.
Wait, wasn't that the guy in Regarding Henry?

   Back in the tunnels leading to their friends, the rebels continue following the Wookiee. Needing information, Triple Zero prepares to torture one of the still living guards. He's later fired on from behind and the group turns to see a brainwashed Han. He separates them and corners Leia. Meanwhile the two murder droids wonder where Aphra has gone and if sarcastically, she betrayed them, which of course she has. She attempts to buy a ship to flee when the crystal starts talking to her. It tells her that she's filled with regret and has faced many tragedies in her life. If she leaves them behind, this will be yet another.
This rock sure has a lot to say.

  Back in the tunnels, Han prepares to infect Leia with the symbiote when she kicks  him in the crotch. Sana blasts the rest of his guard and convinces the droids to help her find Aphra. She finally sucker punches Solo and rescues the princess.   The issue wraps in the queen's quarters. Luke frees himself from her apparatus and attacks the guards, finally reaching his lightsaber. They two of them engage though the young Jedi isn't much of a match. She pixelates around him, proving herself a difficult target when suddenly there is an explosion outside. Dr. Aphra has returned. The queen is furious for her going back on their bargain and asks for a symbiote to control her mind when Aphra says... yeah. About that. Luke turns to her with one of the creatures atop his back. His eyes glow red and he demands the queen bow before her king. With that, we're left to be continued.
Bow down, when you come to our town.

   One of the cool things about this book is you get to watch a young Luke develop. One of the less talked about things from the original trilogy was seeing him slowly gain control of his powers. Almost this entire series centers around his diminished yet improving skills. It's also fun to see the trio of he, the princess and Han Solo have more adventures in a world filled with prequel and sequel trilogies. They do a good job bringing something any Star Wars fan can enjoy, especially the older fans. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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