Thursday, July 19, 2018

Venom #1

REX pt I

Written by Donny Cates
Penciled by Ryan Stegman
Cover by Ryan Stegman
Published May 9, 2018

   Eddie Brock and his alien are having bad dreams. It forces the human host to take medication to quiet the monster's screaming when he hears some trouble on the police scanner. He arrives just as the Jack O' Lantern opens fire on the officers but unfortunately for the criminals, Venom isn't in the mood for mercy.

Nope. Not good.

   He attacks the villain and the cops open fire on the symbiote. When it turns to face them, the alien projects the freaky images from it's nightmares. As Eddie loses control, someone fires an explosive shell into the monster's head and it detonates.

Never trust anything someone shoots into your alien's head that goes "beep beep.."

   He wakes up surrounded by bass amplifiers and a furnace rendering Venom completely fluid. Eddie's chained to the floor as the man introduces himself - Rex Strickland, former government assassin who wore similar alien symbiote suits in the past. His former teammates are now immobilized and scheduled for execution. He knows a lot about the klyntar though, and wants to help Eddie control his for something in return.

Cool scar.

   They set out to free the transported men. Tearing the trucks apart en route, the trailer cars explode and the symbiotes leap out clad in the same alien images from the nightmares. Suddenly though, the alien leaves Eddie, speaking the foreign language as the others viciously run him through.


  Watching his human host suffer, Venom leaps into action to save him as the monsters leap back into the truck. They throw their now dead carriers outside as they howl and the earth cracks. But Eddie has to know - just what did the monsters say? Finally he tells him... They said "god is coming", as a frightening demon begins to swoop down from the sky. What will happen next? Guess we'll have to wait to see as this issue is left to be continued.

This thing couldn't wait for a sunny day to do this?!

   So this book looks to have picked up months after the events of the last series. There's no mention of Venom's offspring left back at Alchamax, and Eddie looks to be back in some mental trouble again. Still, a fresh set of hands on this character is a welcome change. I like where this first issue is taking us and look forward for the monster's upcoming adventures. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE

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