Saturday, July 7, 2018

Avengers #2


Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Ed McGuiness
Cover by Ed McGuiness
Published May 16, 2018

   As the newly assembled Avengers fight, a familiar voice narrates. They appear to have their hands full, as Captain Marvel has an idea: use some Omega Level Warp grenades to transport the Final Host into the sun. They'll have to save Captain America first though, who's Quinjet is caught in the giant's hand...

Well, y'all got by without Cap before...

   Meanwhile, Ghost Rider fights the alien insects as Jennifer Walters runs right into a deal celestial while out jogging. Similar insects emerge and she's forced to combat them as the She-Hulk. Suddenly she hears the dead giant's voice... His name is Eson and he's alive. But as she touches him, she's teleported right in the way of Ghost Rider's Hell-Charger.

Totally normal. Flaming head man. She Hulk. Middle of the road...

   She mindlessly lashes out at the vehicle as Robbie commands the car to spray her with flames But all it does is make her madder. They battle furiously, chains and all. But just as She-Hulk prepares so smash him, the ground below opens up, the the two of them suddenly become strange bedfellows.

On second thought, let's be pals.

   The issue wraps with Steve Rogers still in obvious peril, but the once dead celestial now joins the fight against the Final Host. Unfortunately, the monstrous giant is victorious, decapitating the Avengers protector, all at the behest of Loki? And you know when he shows up, it's never good. What'll happen next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

She Hulk already picked green. You gotta pick another color.

   So with Thor once again back in the spotlight, it only makes sense that one of the teams most storied villains be behind the latest attack. Obviously Loki has had almost as many heel turns as Magneto. While it's good to see old Mean Green again, I doubt he poses as much a threat as his supposed friends do. I predict his worthy brother will have to save him along the way once again. But it should be a fun ride seeing how it plays out. I give this one a 9/10.

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