Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Astonishing X-Men #11-12


Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Ron Garney and Gerardo Sandoval
Covers by Greg Land
Published May 2 and Jun 6, 2018

   In Scotland, Proteus’ gardens grow at an alarming rate. Before long, it’s grown worldwide...but luckily the world has the X-Men, who fight the monster with all they have. While X and Psylocke link up to combine strength Archangel, Logan and Mystique cut deep into the garden. Unfortunately they look completely outmatched...
   The two psychics are able to trick young Kevin Mactaggart, by using an image of the boys’ mother, Moira. Playing on his emotions, it’s an illusion that proves to real to resist. But as he fights back, X begins making odd statements.
   One by one, the X-Men fall until Rogue and Gambit team up. Gambit converts his energy while Rogue moves to steal it. Finally Bishop joins them and is able to blow the monster apart. With the immediate problem now solved, X starts to crack, revealing the dormant Shadow King emerging from him like a broken egg.
   With Farouk back in the real world, the team rises to fight him again, but this time, despair overtakes them. With Psylocke now standing alone, the two fight while the rest of the X-Men give in to their greatest fears. But X is determined to rise again.
   He puts himself back together and hits the Shadow King with all of Charles Xavier's strength. He helps Psylocke to her feet and they again link minds, but this time with the power of every psychic they can imagine. X grows to giant size and smashes Farouk like a bug.
   He looks at his X-Men and though skeptical, they allow him to give him the gifts he originally promised them. Angel he gives the power to be himself. Gambit the power of purpose. Rogue and Mystique - Understanding. Bishop permission and Logan vision. But Psylocke must remember everything in order to keep their former leader in check. With that, the man known as X has a new dream - and this issue and story arc come to a final conclusion.
   So with issue #13, the Astonishing X-Men move forward with a new creative team. Matthew Rosenberg, who penned the return of Jean Gray as well as the Punisher, and Greg Land - former Hulk artist. To me, it's kind of a bittersweet shift. This series deserves some steady penciling but storywise, Charles Soule is a master. It will be quite an undertaking to keep this series on keel. I'm looking forward to seeing how they do it. For these two books though, I give them a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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