Thursday, May 3, 2018

X-Men Gold #23


Written by Marc Guggenheim
Penciled by Thony Silas
Cover by David Nakayama
Published Mar 14, 2018

   Somewhere between Jupiter and Saturn, Scythian angrily peels through an interdimensional layer. But for now, the X-Men have other problems. Kitty Pryde is walked through prison to meet her new cellmate, Callisto. The morlock tells her that the former enemy is the least of her problems.

"Oh, you two know each other...?"

   In female general pop, Storm and Rachel catch a lot of eyes when Rachel has a psychic attack - side effects of her fight with Mesmero.
   Meanwhile, Iceman agrees to lead the Gold team in Kitty's absence. He arrives in New York and finds Rogue at home. They walk the halls and he meets new squad, Armor, Ink, Magma and Magik.

No Bobby - it's still the B Squad...

   Back in prison, Colossus and Nightcrawler have their hands full before finally letting everyone know, they're not easy targets. Back at the Danger Room, Bobby and Rogue learn they have their hands full with a new squad. Anole interrupts to let them know they have a visitor.
   Simon Lasker, AKA Pyro walks in and explains that he wants to help. He was brainwashed by Mesmero into helping. Now he wants to make things right. They cautiously welcome him to the team as Bobby tells him, don't make him regret it.

Well why don't we just make EVERYBODY X-Men?

   For whatever reason, there's an interlude reintroducing the Shredded Man. Later in the prison exercise yard, Storm, Rachel and Kitty run into Callisto.  She has an introduction to make though. Crazy Maisie walks up to meet them, telling them they're about to find out how she got her name? What happens next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

Ass Whupping in 3...2...1...

   So I know I'm probably not the only one, but it's exciting to see Iceman and Rogue back in an X-Book. Even though Rogue is actually in Astonishing X-Men, I look at that title as a miniseries of sorts. The "color" books are the real meat and potatoes... and they can use a little help. Perhaps this is just the shot in the arm they need. I give this one a 7/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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