Tuesday, May 15, 2018

X-Men Blue #24


Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Jorge Molina
Cover by Jorge Molina
Published March 28, 2018

   Magneto is stuck in Sebastian Shaw's grasps. Thanks to the secondary mutation that mothervine has granted him, he's able to absorb Erik's magnetic energy and use it however he wants.

This is bad...

   Meanwhile, the Mauraders attempt to recruit Xorn who resists them. When they begin to break his helmet, Jimmy and Bloodstorm jump in to protect him. Among threats, they're able to get Xorn away from Jimmy's former teammates. But Miss Sinister obviously has other plans down the road.

Remember me?!

   In Madripoor, Malice possesses Polaris, who attacks the Raksha. She defeats them easily, later deflecting an attack from Gazing Nightshade.
   Back at the Hellfire Club, Shaw continues to batter Magneto all over the mansion. Finally he prepares for the final blow when his secondary powers diminish. Erik tells him he wants to meet these Mothervine dealers.

Alright Oldie, introduce me to these motherviners...

   Elsewhere, Malica continues killing the Raksha when Polaris is able to break free from the pendant. Her trail of destruction though remains evident. In Barcelona, Briar Raleigh meets with Daken, offering him katanas forged from adamantium in exchange for his recruitment.

No shoes, no shirt, no problems...  for this guy.

   The issue wraps in Scotland where Magneto and the defeated Sebastian Shaw meet with Havok. He has something to offer the former X-enemy.. and with the likes of Emma Frost, Miss Sinister, and Bastian, Magneto's evil streak may be on the verge of returning. We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

It feels good to be bad, Mags.

   I think I'm finally confinced after 24 issues, that if there was a boat sinking and I could only pick one X-title to save, it would be this one. Cullen Bunn should be the head editor of all X-Men books. He somehow works in classic villains as well as new and old heroes alike, and makes them all seem fresh. This particular issue is again no exception. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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