Saturday, May 5, 2018

Star Wars #45


Written by Kieron Gillen
Penciled by Salvador Larroca
Cover by David Marquez
Published Mar 21, 2018

    At the Mako Ta Base, a jubilant Chewy, Han and Luke walk in to celebrate with a drink when Luke is recognized. Wedge, one of his old Red Squadron buddies greets him for the first in a long time.

Who could forget good old Wedge?

   Meanwhile, Leia meets with the Rebel High Council, first speaking with elder Jan Dodonna. Asking Ackbar for his opinion of Trios, she's encouraged top share her thoughts. She explains to Mon Mothma she has an insider who has told her where to find Calan leader Lee-char. The only thing they need is a substitute who can take his place, and kidnapping him won't be easy.

That's a tall order, Princess...

   Back at base, Luke meets other members of Wedge's new squadron. One of them, Hobbie, is in awe of the young pilot who once took down the Death Star. They continue with toasts all around until Leia arrives, explaining to them that they have a new mission.
   At the Dex Acquisitions Depot, the latest prisoner begs to negotiate his freedom when the jailer is informed of an even bigger prize. A mysterious wookie has delivered Princess Leia. But when he walks her into the brig, Chewy sucker punches the guards. Leia orders a torpedo from Han who launches it a little prematurely.

What a wookie!

   Luke uses his lightsaber to cut through the cell. There sits her adopted father, Bail Organa - but she quickly punches him. He's a shapeshifter and the key to freeing Lee-Char. Chewie picks up the newest rebel, and they leave out. What will happen next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

Let's roll.

    As this monthly book has a tendency to take a long, long time to develop a story, you have to be willing to let it build. Similar to the films, there was a Phantom Menace before there was a Rise of the Sith, and there was A New Hope before Empire. Nothing really new in this one or the one before it, but I’m willing to give it time. I give this issue an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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