Sunday, May 6, 2018

Daredevil #600


Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Ron Garney
Cover by Dan Mora
Published Mar 28, 2018

   In the Bronx, Daredevil and his team hatch a plan. Mayor Fisk will be meeting with New York's crimebosses at a nearby restaurant to give them mayoral appointments. Once he can get the incriminating information, he'll call in the cops to surround all of them until they can be taken into custody.

Usually this is a good plan.

   Meanwhile, Blindspot battles with Muse downtown. As the psychotic serial killer closes in to kill the young hero who defaced his murals, Sam Chung is determined to put up a fight.
   Back in the Bronx, the Kingpin is late. The crimebosses discuss among themselves that getting them all together might be a plot. Daredevil listens in, talking Moon Knight out of ambushing them. On the rooftops however, Blindspot fights for his life against Muse. He asks him, didn't he take his eyes once before? Does he need to take them again? Suddenly, a demonic voice awakens in Blindspot. All he has to do is use the power of the Beast and a win is in reach. He explodes into flames. As he moves to destroy Muse, fire envelops the rooftop.

Didn't expect that, did you Musey?

   At Sarno's, the bosses are getting antsy. Misty Knight and Echo watch as guns cock. Feeling it at a breaking point, Spider-Man webs them up and swings around the room drawing fire. Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones enter as well. With Moon Knight swinging in, the two ladies know it's time to fight. Daredevil sees the cops rushing up. He tells the heroes inside that it looks like the whole thing was a setup. They tell him they'll tread water. But he has to get to Murdock.

Luke will keep this guy in a headlock till the cops get there.

   Samuel Chung beats Muse down. He goes off on a tangent about it all being art. Inside the Beast urges Blindspot to kill him but the hero rejects death. It's all for naught however. Muse is caught in the flames. Blindspot inadvertently killed the villain and now trouble looms for everyone.

Oh great. Look what you did now!

   In Central Park, the mayor's rally is in full swing. Wesley gives his boss the good news. The Bosses are all in custody as well as several hero vigilantes. The Mayor prepares to fire his deputy Murdock when he hears a thump on the rooftop. Kingpin and his lackey climb the stairs and there stands the devil of Hells's Kitchen.
   Daredevil tells Fisk to release the heroes but he refuses, instead swinging a sledgehammer at him as the man without fear refuses to punch him. Kingpin decides instead to frame him, moving to hit himself with the hammer but he's stopped. He uses the distraction to punch Daredevil into the ground.
Wow... Mr tough guy. Beating up a blind man.

   Outside at the rally, he's cheered for being the hero New York needs him to be. But without warning, an arrow zips into him. The Hand has arrived, riddling Fisk with arrows and attacking the crowd. While the police take Daredevil into custody, he tells them it's the Hand and he knows how to defeat them.
   The issue wraps with the commissioner ordering the public advocate to seize control in the mayor's absence. But as Matt's assistant Steve explains, the law was changed previously to allow the mayor to have a new term. In the confusion, the deputy mayor now takes control in the plan of succession. Matt Murdock is now the new mayor of New York. What will happen next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

Don't worry, DD. A lot of mayors ride in the back of a police van at some point...

    So looking back to when I started with this book, there’s no denying that what’s kept me here is Charles Soule and Ron Garney. The writing has remained exquisite, although looking at the artwork between this issue and when Garney started, it’s coming off a bit more rushed. Regardless 600 issues is an extraordinary milestone, and I think this series is just as good as the day it was first published. I give this issue a 7/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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