Saturday, May 5, 2018

Avengers #686


Written by Jim Zub, Mark Waid, and Al Ewing
Penciled by Paco Medina
Cover by Mark Brooks
Published Mar 28, 2018

   Hercules, Thor and Rogue pilot their Quinjet as fast as they can to HQ. They're ready to fight. And speaking of, Wonder Man is currently taking the bring of the Hulk's rage all by himself. He begs for Bruce Banner to listen to him, but as he takes punch after punch, the monster reminds him they aren't friends.

Take that, sissy boy!

   Simon Williams is amazed. The Hulk is sentient, but it's certainly not Banner in control. Meanwhile outside the vault, Cannonball, Lightning, Toni Ho and Enigma do all they can to slow down the Black Order. The US Avengers are near their end however until Thor's hammer beats them back.

We got here as soon as we felt like it.

   Inside the vault, a conflicted Voyager is inspired by the Avengers' teamwork, while Wonder Man debates with the enraged Hulk. He explains that his anger is insatiable, completely renewed by the Challenger. Suddenly Hercules punches him... Simon's distraction worked, though he felt he was on the verge of a break thru.

Aw guys, I ALMOST had him!

   A rebellious Voyager is still in awe as Rogue removes a glove. She touches him, absorbing his rage while seeing a trapped and enslaved Bruce Banner. As the rest of them keep battling, Simon keeps begging... with words of Banner finally being at peace. Challenger commands him and Hulk breaks into the vault. There he sees his prize. He knocks Voyager aside and closes in on the final pyramoid. But then, he destroys it.

Same thing happens when I destroy pyramoids.

   Grandmaster declares it a foul - defeat for the Challenger as Hulk powers down back into Bruce Banner. But the round isn't over. Valerie Vector comes clean to her former teammates. She was part of the ruse... The daughter of the Grandmaster and put there as a one of the pieces.


   The Challenger declares him a cheat; his opponent though only thinking he took advantage of some gray areas. He offers a rematch but the Challenger declines... What will happen next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.
   While it’s strange to see a PART TWELVE in comics, it’s even stranger to consider we’ve gotten here in 3 short months. But still, it works amazingly at this pace. I don’t know if I’d want all my books on a weekly basis, but seeing where this series has gotten, I’d certainly be willing to read at a quicker pace if more series were written by committee. Amazing story, amazing artwork. I give this issue a 9/10.   

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