Monday, October 17, 2016

YOU WANT MORE NERDIEST?! Ok then, peep this.

So you wanna see more of my commentary than just this blog?! Well, saunter over to my


Email me HERE.

Just wanted to say that.

   Now back to what I wanted to say. I've always wanted a comic book store and maybe one day I'll get my wish. Until then, I'm still a collector. My stash is getting bigger and bigger, and I've been looking for some good crates. If any of you dudes or dude-ettes know where I can get some good deals on it, please let me know.
   Also, I'm about to embark on the planning stages of a little project on my mind. As many of you know, this website was initially created to read EVERY SINGLE ISSUE of Amaizing Spider-Man, from the 60's to today. I'm still trying to do that, but in the interim, I've found a lot more interest in a lot more comics...
   Another thing I've been looking forward to doing. This might require some filmography... and time. Both of which I don't have a lot of access to at the moment, but none the less. Ok - here's goes. I want to collect every print issue of Uncanny X-Men ever. From 1963 on. I've got an insane amount of them now. Hundreds. Earliest I currently have is #18 from 1960-whatever... I've got tons in the 200's, 300's, 400's, and 500's. Obviously fewer in the earlier numbers but I'm working on that.

Either way, it's something I'll be working towards. Let me know if you wanna trade anything or if you have a lot of comics with mostly X titles in it.

Anyways, yeah. Thanks for reading.

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