Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Amazing Spider-Man #10

Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Giuseppi Camuncoli
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Apr 13, 2016

   Fresh off falling to earth from orbit, a very beaten down Spider-Man is forced to face off with Scorpio on the streets of Paris. Spidey seems to be holding his own when Scorpio throws a car towards some bystanders. Fortunately, his advisers Gemini tell him to leave immediately for the train station and Pete tags him with a spider tracer.
   Meanwhile at the Andru Correctional Institute, a mystery man commands the Rhino to break in and spring Curt Conners, aka The Lizard as well as the powerless Electro. Back in Paris, Anna Maria Marconi and Brain, the robot secretly containing the mind of Otto Octavious, follow the signal to the Chunnel, where Zodiac takes control of the conductor using his weird little animal masks for an escape to England. Spider-Man comes over the airwaves and warns the train personnel, giving Zodiac time to prepare. The battle rages on top of the train, with Scorpio again using Spidey's concern for Anna's well-being as a weapon. There's a quick fade back to the prison where we see this mystery man explaining he can reunite these former super-villains with their families for certain services we're sure to discover in the next issue.
   Spider-Man, Anna, and Brain track previous signals he followed from his jaunt in space with Nick Fury to the home of the Zodiac - who turns out to be Vernon Jacobs, Parker Industries biggest share holder and investor. He conference calls all of Pete's employees at one time and finds out Jacobs has terabytes of stored info the world over. Jacobs also hears the conversation and breaks in, allowing Spider-Man to threaten him one last time.
   I enjoyed this issue. The story is getting good and the art was great. These Alex Ross covers are kinda lame but I guess I could understand why some people like them. I give it a 9/10.

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Until next time, thanks for reading!

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