Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Detective Comics #941

Written by Steve Orlando
Penciled by Andy McDonald
Cover by Yanick Paquette
Published Sep 28, 2016

   Batman and Batwoman are busy fighting the second monster while Spoiler and Orphan try mostly in vain to keep the evacuated citizens of Gotham from killing each other. Meanwhile, Nightwing is en route to Blackgate prison to see what's going on over there, but is quickly passed up by the insane Gotham Girl, still feeling the effects of her fight with the Psycho Pirate. Clayface continues evacuating neighborhood by neighborhood and Alfred and Duke man the Batcave desperately looking for answers as to what these things attacking the city are.
   A slimy ooze is slowly covering the evacuees and making them aggressive and angry. Spoiler and Orphan hatch a plan to raise the temperatures to stop the mold like substance from spreading and communicating. Back on the streets, Clayface is stretched thin and losing stability, he ends up putting citizens in the firing line of the beast Batman and Batwoman are fighting. 
   Back at the prison, Nightwing and Gotham Girl fight to stop whatever monster is hatching the oozelings, but are unfortunately overtaken and transformed into these freaky evil mutants. The issue ends with all the comms being down, nobody able to communicate, chaos ensuing and getting worse and of course... is to be continued in Batman #8.
   The thing I enjoy about DC comics is they're super layered with tons of dialogue and plot points. If you read my blog, you might see that it used to annoy me but I think I'm taking a shine to it. It's making some of these Marvel books look more and more short sighted. Pretty good issue though. 9/10.

If you like this description, check out my video review HERE or just click below:

Until next time, thanks for reading!

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