Friday, October 14, 2016

Invincible Iron Man #8

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Mike Deodato
Cover by Mike Deodato
Published April 6, 2016

   Trying to get to Tokyo as fast as he can to recuse War Machine, Tony meets up with Spiderman and the investigate the last spot Rhodes' armor reported from... a rooftop of an apartment building. They find a piece of a car and surmise that Rhodes' flew a 2007 Corvette onto the roof and then destroyed it. Iron Man then tells Spiderman there were ninjas in the car, which is info I have no idea how he knew. Meanwhile, Rhodes is in trouble but is fighting back... in his underwear. He gets the upperhand on Tomoe and her ninjas however, and is about to escape when Tony and Spidey come bounding through the window. 
   A small flashback sheds a little more light on what happens with MJ's job interview...of which she apparently was hired but then quits. She's upset for reasons unknown, but I guess it helps the story so she storms out. Back in the present, Ironman is immediately stripped of his armor and Spidey his webshooters by Tomoe's super magnetic powers. They all fight back hand to hand and unarmed, and they seem to be doing a good enough job until Tomoe sends her guards away... indicating something huge is about to happen. Tony tells his team to run, while Tomoe tells him that whatever is about to happen will be on him.. And with that (I think) the factory explodes and the rest of the story will obviously be continued.
   I have raved about my boy Bendis and his writing style but this issue was quick and weak. I don't know if he had a deadline or was working on a bunch of other books, but this story is boring and bland. The art was ok but nothing spectacular. He hasn't let me down before but sorry, dudes. Kinda meh. I give it a 5/10.

If you like this description, check out my video review of it HERE or just click below.

Until next time, thanks for reading!

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