Monday, October 3, 2016

Star Wars #17

Written by Jason Aaron
Pencils by Leinil Frances Yu
Cover by Terry Dodson and Rachel Dodson
Published Mar 23, 2016

   After a droid invasion in the prison planet they'd just delivered Dr Aphra to, Leia and Sana deal with the breach in one of the prisons wings, but the real problem lies in the control room where an unidentified invader has seized control of the entire prison. They explain to Leia that their mission is to kill everyone imprisoned there, and after blowing a few of them away, further reveal that by releasing some of the prisoners from their cells, they intend to make the princess and Sana Starros kill them.
   Meanwhile, Luke and Han work to get their money back that Han gambled away the last issue, finally finding a customer looking for a smuggler. They get half of it back picking up a pack of Nerfs much to Solo's chagrin, but are later pursued by imperial tie fighters accusing them of transporting the illegal livestock. Back at sunspot prison, Leia and Sana work to get the prisoners rounded up, only to have their mysterious captor remotely kill them by lowering the sun shields. It finally occurs to them they'll have to free Dr Aphra and team up with the evil Sith Lord's ally if they want to find the person responsible for the prison takeover before it's too late.
   Pretty good issue. Jason Aaron does a good job putting the right words in these characters' mouths to almost make you feel like you're watching a Star Wars movie. And the artwork certainly channels their likenesses pretty good, which has to be pretty tough to do compared to most comic book art. Good story line and I like where it's headed. 8/10.

If you like this description, check out my video review HERE or click below:

Until next time - Thanks for reading!

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