Thursday, October 27, 2016

Extraordinary X-Men #9

Written by Jeff Lemire
Penciled by Humberto Ramos
Cover by Humberto Ramos
Published April 20, 2016

   After being transported 1500 years into the future, Colossus and new mutants Anole, No-Girl, Ernst and Glob find themselves in a deserted wasteland at the base of an Apocolypse shaped temple, and attacked by 3 of his horsemen, one of which is Deadpool. They run away with the ark full of mutant embryos they're trying to protect and get separated from Colossus. 
   They soon encounter a goblin named Moogum who tries to eat them, but first gives them directions across a watery planet and finally to an Iron Man spawned AI called Stark Self in a realm known as Omega World. At first Stark Self says that Apocalypse would forbid them from assisting the mutants, but that their founder would have never turned them away. They tell the story of how Apocalypse rose again in the early 21st century and wiped out scores of races and civilizations. They allow a group of machine-men to assist the X-men. 
   Throughout the course of the next year, they battle across lands fighting fire breathing dragons, huge spiders, and even inhumans. They're finally reunited with Storm and team looking for them, right as the 4th horseman of Apocalypse, who tuns out to be Colossus, prepares to battle them with Moon Knight, Deadpool, and some other scary looking monster thing. He grabs Storm by the neck and tells them that mutantkind ends here by order of Lord Apocalypse and we're sadly left to be continued next issue. 
   I dug where this issue is going. I always love these classic X-Men, and anytime they get to train new mutants, it always leads to something cool. Lemire and Ramos did a great job of highlighting what the team has been doing over the course of the year, and I can't wait to see where it leads. I give it a 9/10.

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Until next time, thanks so very much for reading this. I'm very lucky to share comic book fandom with so many of you dudes and chicks, and you've all welcomed me so awesomely into your clique. If you wanna chat comics, just gimme a shout.

Thanks again!

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