Monday, October 17, 2016

Guardians of the Galaxy 7

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Valerio Schiti
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published Apr 13, 2016

   Rocket is walking out of a Badoon prisoner transport, and giving them a steady diet of his signature attitude, just as the Thing falls from orbit and completely scatters the guards. He explains to the last one left, a big one, that he's taking all of the prisoners with them before punching his lights out, only later realizing his earlier entry knocked over their getaway ship.
   Thing tells Rocket to repair the ship while this hot chick alien with blue skin surrounded by other little children aliens of various appearances takes a liking to old Ben Grimm. Unfortunately she doesn't speak english, but luckily a kid in her entourage does. He translates as Thing tells them he's getting every single one of them off the planet. Unfortunately though, they're not quite fast enough and the second wave of badoon guards tries to thwart their escape. 
   Grimm blasts the remaining resistance and before long, they're airborne. The lady he was smitten with does something to him involving a huge flash of blue light. Rocket is clearly jealous of their newfound romance, but doesn't have much time to dwell on it as a worldwide transmission comes across the channels. Star Lord has been sentenced to die for leading the Spartaxx against the Baddoon. What will Rocket, the Thing, and all their rescued prisoners do next? Guess we'll have to wait till the next issue.
   I'm not sure if Bendis is spending most of his time with this book over the others, but it appears he's definitely putting in some work. The story is good, the art by Valerio Schiti, which is the coolest name in comic artistry, is crisp and this book is surprisingly delivering. I give this issue a 9/10.

If you liked this description, check out my video review HERE or click below.. 

Until next time, thanks for reading!

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