Monday, January 22, 2018

X-Men Gold #18


Written by Marc Guggenheim
Penciled by Ken Lashley
Cover by Ken Lashley
Published Dec 20, 2017

   Magma meets with a representative from Damage Control to discuss rebuilding the mansion when she gets a telepathic phone call. Dr Reyes calls with news on Rachel. She’s developed a skin condition, and it’s eerily similar to her old, um future hound days, which probably isn’t anything good.

"All of a sudden, she has these wicked tattoos..."

   Meanwhile in the Negative Zone, Kologoth and Augor prepare to hand Kitty and Nightcrawler back over to the X-Men when all of a sudden, the elf appears to have gone missing. Bamfing blindly onto the spire of a statue, he’s in pain but luckily, no worse for wear. Back in Parliament, the government explains Kologoth’s offer. Ink considers the options but Logan tells him they should take the deal.

"... and second of off, bub.. .who the hell are you?!"

   At the exchange point, Kitty asks where Nightcrawler is and Kologoth tells her he’s dead. As the X-Men arrive,  she runs to them and tells them about Kurt - an interesting situation considering his immortality. It’s evident to Armor that the creatures are in a hurry to get rid of the X-Men, proof there’s something they don’t want the earthers to see. Furthermore, their emissary turns his guns on them. It’s time for the children of the atom to leave.

Oh hey!

   Armor and Logan discuss something in Japanese which literally had nothing to do with the story. Although Kitty wears a dampener, she can still react physically and punches Kologoth. He orders the troops to open fire. Logan responds by unleashing Storm and the fight is on. Ink is blasted from behind but reveals that thanks to his mutant tattoo artist, he now has a healing factor and some Cyclops like eye blasts.
   The issue ends with Storm taking Kologoth for a ride, carrying the alien to new heights. The advantage turns out to be his though, as the massive Scythian statue appears to actually be alive. It breaks from its stone covered state and stands tall, not only scaring Storm but freaking out Nightcrawler on the beast’s other side. What will happen next? We’ll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

Look what I can do!

   Out of all the X books, this one is clearly in an abysmal last place. I don’t understand how a writer who’s armed with such a diverse group of heroes can’t seem to put an interesting spin on things. This run of books reminds me of a large portion of the late 90’s and early 2000’s forgettable issue of Uncanny. You probably don’t remember a lot of what happened then because it was boring and a lot of filler, very similar to this title. I don’t know how long they plan on keeping Marc Guggenheim at the helm, but a decision to change some things can’t come soon enough. I give this one a 6/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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