Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Mighty Thor #702


Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Russell Dauterman
Cover by Russell Dauterman
Published Dec 20 2017

   All throughout the galaxy, battles rage. In the forests of Vanaheim, in Jotenheim, Alfheim, etc... unrest builds. But Thor is busy arm wrestling fellow Avenger Hercules in a Chelsea bar instead of what she should be doing - getting a chemo treatment. They continue battling until Odinson smashes the table they’re at with his axe. Hercules goes on to tell them that he will honor her request - ask his father to lend help in the war of the realms.

"I'll help as long as I get to wear these stupid clothes."

   Odinson brings her to Volstaag’s bedside. There the Asguardian rests after being nearly beaten to death by the Mangog. Odinson tells her that while he’s certain it’s returning to judge the gods anew, she must not be able to join the fight. He tells her that she must address her sickness. Although she’s clearly resistant to his suggestion, she eventually concedes... and throws Moljunir through the wall far enough to return her to her mortal state.
   They head to Odin’s door and she calls out the all powerful god. Will Asgardia stand aside while all of the realms descend into chaos? Finally the regent Cul responds and tries to arrest all of the different clans and races for sedition. Jane continues the argument, and eventually the crowd responds by demanding they all have a voice until finally, the door flies open. Enough, calls Odin. But while he chides the crowd for acting like children, the trouble from Jane Foster has gone on long enough.

Odin's had enough.

   But as the all father demands she leave, another voice responds. Odinson's mother rises from a long sleep following Loki's attack. She tells them that heeding Jane's words are of utmost importance, but when she looks back, the now mortal woman has collapsed from exhaustion.

You there?

   The issue ends with Hemdall standing on the bridge. He's seen war after war, but what will come next will be difficult to watch. He readies his sword as the Mangog arrives. Will Asgard rise to the occasion? Will Jane live to see the end of this great war? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

I'm beginning to think the Mangog only has one expression.

   You know, it's fairly rare that a comic book can stir emotions quite like this run of Thor can. We're used to seeing our heroes stave off attacks, laser blasts, super punches, and swinging swords. To watch one suffer from the very human killer that takes so many of our loved ones lives is tough. Obviously if you've been reading this book over the last few years, you've prepared for this. But still seeing it happen is hard to experience. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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