Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Punisher #219


Written by Matthew Rosenberg
Penciled by Guiu Vilanova
Cover by Clayton Crain
Published Dec 13, 2017

   In the People's Republic of Chernaya, an old farmer is confronted by an army squadron who appears to take his land. He doesn't go down without a fight, but before they can execute him, the Punisher arrives. He asks why the man is on his knees. When the answer he's given is unsatisfactory, his weapons fail to fire - but he punches the soldier's head off anyway. The fight takes seconds but before long, he kills all of them without the use of his guns.

Nothing to see here. Just a guy getting his head punched off.

   Frank asks the farmer why he's been labeled a traitor. After some discussion, he agrees to stay and help the man out. He buries the dead while they talk. Turns out the farmer is an old soldier, explaining to Frank that his armor probably has a safety. He disables it with a command. Frank takes to the air in the armor to help the man burn his blighted crops when the suit's AI tells him about some Chernayan troops drawing near.
   The Punisher hovers above the troops and warns them to turn around as they're trespassing. They fail to do so, resulting in their rather uncomfortable burning deaths. The AI then warns of an approaching tank, but Frank fails to engage anti-tank measures in time and the suit is impacted. As the suit addresses the damage, Frank runs up to the old man's tractor and throws it at the tank. As systems resume, he continues killing the soldiers when they happen upon the old farmer.

"Things Iron Man wouldn't do for 1000, Alex."

   Frank asks for a situation report, later launching a rocket at the retreating transport vehicle when he gets bad news. All signs of life nearby are fading, including the farmer's. He runs in to check and the old soldier talks about how it felt to fight one last time. With that, he dies in Frank's arms. 

Didn't this exact same thing happen in Punisher #8?

   The issue ends with the Punisher in his armor heading for the sky. Beneath him, some soldiers sit in cloaked armor thanks to the SHIELD equipment the obviously stole. What will happen next? We'll have to wait. As Frank's headed for the General, this issue is left to be continued.

Frank Castle: 1000. People who say "Good. This'll be fun": 0.

   Ah the old-farmer-that-used-to-be-a-mercenary story - a tale as old as time. But this go round, there's an Iron Man suit involved. Hey look.. Even if Frank could defeat these guys with his bare hands, there's something oddly thrilling about seeing what the War Machine armor could do being driven by a maniac. It's like when you play Grand Theft Auto but you don't feel like completing any missions. That's what it feels like they're going for here... and you know what? I dig it. Matthew Rosenberg is working hard to beef up the character of Frank Castle - what makes him tick, things like that. And it hasn't been done in a while. I'd say this book is in great hands. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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