Saturday, December 23, 2017

X-Men Blue #16


Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Thony Silas
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published Nov 29, 2017

  In Madripoor, Magneto sits reading in his study when he's suddenly stricken with pain. Meanwhile, Cyclops and Bloodstorm find each other on the rooftop seeking inner peace. They find that they have more in common than they think. Iceman sits on the couch watching some creepy run Mojo network, when they show an alternate reality that never actually occurred between the X-Men and the Brotherhood.

Hanging out with Bloodstorm is like hanging with Storm. Except she wants to eat you all the time.

   In the Danger room, Angel and Polaris train with Jimmy Hudson. They both try to keep the clawed mutant from holding back when without warning, Polaris disappears. Jean Gray and Beast talk over his curious tinkering when she too is struck with some terrible, inner mind intrusion. It's not her though, she says.. It's Magneto.

"Oh you know Henry... AAAAAAGH!"

   They both enter his chambers and he tells Jean to read his mind. She does so, and sees Xavier calling out to them. Somehow Magneto and the Professor are communicating, indicating a rift in the time constructs. There's consequences to them being in the present and Magneto needs to send them back to the past as soon as possible.
   In the basement sits a time machine, and with Danger at the controls, explains the plan to send them back. Beast explains that in the past, they already saw themselves already there. Danger suddenly disappears as well. Jean guesses that somehow, someone has found where the X-Men are supposed to be, but aren't. Beast mans the controls and zips the Blue Team across the universe.

Hey, I think I saw the Muir Island Saga in there. HEY CULLEN! TALK ABOUT THAT ONE TOO!

   Along the way they encounter some mystery battle, a prehistoric landscape littered with dinosaurs, Apocalypse, Scott and Jeannie's wedding, the Dark Phoenix saga, and finally to their unintended destination. They look up and see the X-Men of 2099, a mysterious group of mutants who tell them they're not where they're supposed to be. Where that is, and who these people exactly are will have to wait though, as this issue is left to be continued.

"Tonight we're gonna party like it's 1995..."

   I've noticed something odd within these newest X-Men books that's beginning to irritate me. For whatever reason, the writers of these titles seem completely obsessed with past stories from X-History. If there isn't a quick shot of Apocalypse or mention of the Phoenix force in every single issue of these books lately, I'd be shocked. When Brian Michael Bendis brought these original members into the future to stop the then-crazed Cyclops, he did so with all new stories. Cullen Bunn and Marc Guggenheim seem driven to point out every reference to every legendary arc from the series at any given opportunity. Now we have another blast from the past with the X-Men of 2099. I'm guessing the next arc will be from the X-Tinction Agenda, or a return to 1988's Fall of the Mutants, or 1994's Legion Quest. I'll keep reading because, I mean it's still the X-Men. But i see a lot of great chances for new and awesome ideas being missed. I give this one a 7/10.

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