Friday, December 8, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy #147


Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Marcus To
Cover by Aaron Kuder
Published Nov 15 2017

  As Novas, Ant Man and Gamora are trapped with some other scientists the helped free from some weird Ultron zombies when Scott Lang has an idea. He giant sizes himself in front of the door but unfortunately then passes out. Suddenly the other corpsman they arrived with show up outside the window, and a plan to get out off the dead ship finally materializes.

Just in time for us to not think y'all were traitors.

   Meanwhile back at the Rock, one Guardian enjoying his time undercover is Rocket, who gives some other fellow troops a hard time for looting a deserted vessel. They're saved by the bell as Gamora and Ant Man return with the survivors. Rocket gives Lang a tip. If he's looking to continue his journey across the universe, there's a Nova sled leaving for Knowhere, but if it's alright, Ant Man would love to stick around a little longer. Later Adsit shows Rocket the big guns, with news that he sent Star Lord to track down some rogue Novas.

Hey Rich!

   Speaking of Quill, he's shocked to find Rich Rider still alive, and shows him with a punch to the face. He didn't know Rider survived the cancerverse, news that apparently not even Gamora shared with him. Hard feelings aside, the two meet up to study the rogue Novas. They brazenly walk up to the exterior and are quickly reminded of the areas defenses. Once inside, they make their way down corridors until Rider is nailed from behind from another Nova. Discovering she's pregnant, Quill explains who they are but it still takes a few more swings before a truce is finally made.

So Peter Quill fights pregnant women? I'll make a note of it, sicko.

   Eve Bakian introduces herself, and although there's some reasons to be skeptical, the two sides decide they can trust each other. She tells the two to follow her. They found this planet by accident. After discovery, one of the corpsman tried to get an encoded out to the Shi'ar - more proof that there's traitors in their ranks and even yet, they have something to hide.
   The issue wraps with them entering a fake cooling tower used as camouflage. She tells them that they didn't know who to truest so it remained a secret. Inside, one of the massive Infinity stones glows before them. What happens next though will have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.

Yeah right. How the hell is THIS supposed to fit in Thanos' glove thing?

   So obviously with this issue, we learned a few things. For one, Ant Man makes a perfect Guardian of the Galaxy. Hopefully he sticks around awhile because he certainly seems like he belongs. Second off, Rocket seems a little too enthusiastic with his new gig. If they don't watch it, he just might become a permanent enlistee. Finally, how much longer will this book focus on infinity stones. When I was a kid, I remember buying the Infinity Gauntlet mini series at the 7/11, and while it was a little over my head, it really drubbed up Thanos and exactly what somebody could do with all the gems. With the cinematic focus on them, it's natural why they'd be such a major part of the books. But how long do they plan on being what the galaxy focuses on? I guess there's only one way to find out. For this issue, I give it an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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