Saturday, December 30, 2017

Astonishing X-Men #6


Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Mike Del Mundo
Cover by Mike Del Mundo
Published Dec 6, 2017

   In London, the citizens are brainwashed and under the Shadow King's control, while on the Astral Plane, he declares victory. As he prepares to enter the real world, Charles Xavier asks him for Rogue, Fantomex, and Mystique to kill humanely as was part of their deal. He gives them to him, and Xavier immediately attacks as voraciously as possible.


   Archangel attacks a weakening Logan and Gambit, who still prove to be no pushovers, while at the Ministry of Defence, the military gives the command to bomb the city. They send the evac password to their still trapped field agents which tips Psylocke off.
  On the Astral Plane, Xavier's former pupils keep up the pressure while all of the X-Men under his control and out of it proved to have roles. The professor sees an opportunity. For centuries he hasn't attempted escape. Now with Farouk occupied, he explodes from his chains for a final battle. He kills the Shadow King and reassures his students that everything is ok. 

I got this.

   Logan and Gambit slowly drift back to normal, right before Archangel lands on them. The authorities prepare their warhead while Psylocke tries to focus him. She no longer feels the Shadow King's presence and orders him to stop the planes preparing to wipe out the area. Meanwhile Fantomex returns from the Astral Plane unguided. He pulls off his mask to reveal himself to Psylocke as a Charles Xavier hybrid, controlling Fantomex's body... I guess? Not sure. But either way, it certainly appears some semblance of Professor X is back, in the flesh. His explanation though will have to wait, as this issue and this act are concluded.

Abstract X.

   Once more, Charles Soule proves himself to literally be in control of the strongest X-Men book going. With all due respect to Marc Guggenheim and Cullen Bunn, if there was a war for best X-affiliated titles, this one blows the other two out of the water. Everything about it was good except Mike Del Mundo's watercolor abstract ink blobs. Either way, that's something even I can get over when it comes to a great script and solid storytelling. This issue had it all and has me stoked to see what comes next. I give this one a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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