Tuesday, December 12, 2017

X-Men Blue #15


Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Jorge Molina
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published Nov 15 2017

   In New York, blimp mounted screens hover above the city while Mojo threatens it’s citizens. He returns to his broadcast of the X-Men fighting for their lives. The majority of the them keep the horde of robots busy while Longshot, Jean, Logan, Jimmy,  Angel and Colossus head to take on Mojo. Longshot leads the way but reveals he has no idea where he’s going, so Jean psi-links with Rachel. There she discovers that the Blue team has been secretly working with a certain long-term arch enemy. Cyclops overhears and says they’ll discuss later, while Kitty takes out Magog.

Wait, did you just reveal something major? Yes, but let's just talk about it later.

   Meanwhile, Longshot and the Wolverines discover a control room and fight while Longshot attempts to disable the signal. He fails as Mojo discovers them and Jean points out he’s siphoning mental energy from his audience. Back at the fight, Bloodstorm freaks everybody out with her freaky vampire ways while Gog is quickly defeated by Rachel. 

Bloodstorm, it's not time to get fresh...

   In the control room, Angel flamethrows everything he can at the Spineless wonder while he deflects Jean’s attempt to get into his mind. The X-Men are in trouble when a bullet hits Mojo. Magneto, Polaris, and Danger enter the room, warning him to surrender which he resists. Danger leaps on him and machine guns his massive torso, though he easily throws her to the side. Jean tells them all that his power is from the people watching, but his tech is vulnerable. Magnetic father and daughter combine powers and take out the controls.
   Outside, the lights go dark and Cyclops reveals it was Magneto that helped them. On Earth, the screens disappear and the spires slowly fade away. The Mojo world fades with Mojo along with it. He screams that they took everything from him, and his threat dissipates. The battle is finally over.


   Back on the streets of New York, the X-Men float from the sky and a very upset Kitty Pryde confronts Magneto. She continues her tirade at Scott and Jean when Colossus backs her off the ledge. They know now that Kitty will never stop demanding control of their team, but for now, the X-Men can relax. The issue wraps with Mojo, Domo, Gog, Magog in the sewers. Apparantly not banished back to the Mojoverse as believed, he’ll have plenty of time to plan his revenge but not this time, as this story arc is finally concluded.

Great. Now she'll NEVER leave us alone.

   I mentioned it earlier but as cool as it was to have Longshot and Mojo back in the fold, two bi-monthly crossover books move everything along at a monstrous pace. With that aside, Cullen Bunn and Marc Guggenheim did a great job from letting things get too carried away. These books still trail behind Astonishing X-Men though which I didn’t expect. Pencils and inks looked great though and it bears being pointed out. Overall, I give this issue a 7/10.

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