Thursday, December 7, 2017

Batman #35


Written by Tom King
Penciled by Joelle Jones
Cover by Joelle Jones
Published Nov 15, 2017

   Holly Robinson watches, as Talia al Ghul and Selina Kyle fight. She tells the Catwoman that she was taught to fight with a sword the day she learned to walk. It was a brutal childhood, one for which Selina replies that her father never gave her anything. And to add insult to injury, she doesn't really even know what she's doing. But still the fight continues.


  Meanwhile, Damain Wayne and Dick Grayson talk outside the cave while inside, Batman struggles to his feet. For the first time, Damian refers to himself as Robin, and the former holder of the title doesn't let him walk it back easily.
   While they talk, the battle continues. Talia asks if Selina truly believes she's the Detective's equal. Indeed she does. As Talia mocks her, she explains that Batman's war on crime will always be his first true love, and she'll always be second to that. She tries to explain that justice is his only forever partner. 

Basically, we ladies will always be Batman's booty call. Crime fighting is Numero Uno.

   Outside, Dick explains to Damian that Bruce is looking for his shot to be happy, as Holly slowly walks over to the fight. Batman fights for everything. He bleeds, he gives. But asking for things is something he's not very good at. Inside, Talia gets the upperhand, and with the sword at Catwoman's neck, she grabs the blade, pivots and kicks her, taking it away. Finally Holly spots her and calls out, while Selina drives the blade into Talia's back.

Here. Hold this a sec.

   The two speak. Catwoman came all the way here, battle this woman's protector and won, all to ask Holly for help. Selina took the wrap for 237 lives. Now all she asks is Holly to pay her back. They emerge from the cave and as Batman sees the boys waiting, he knew Alfred would give him up. Damian asks if he's happy. And as pained as it makes Bruce to say, he's getting there. With that, the group takes their leave of Khadym, and this story arc is concluded.

   You know, as much as I favor Marvel's hold on their beloved characters, there's a reason why Batman is constantly at the top of the monthly sales list. DC protects him like nothing any competing publisher can say the same for, and Tom King is simply a master. There's a lot of things people will say about the New 52, or Marvel Now, or Marvel Legacy, but I don't think there's any book that gained more than Batman in this Rebirth era. He's the best for a reason and this issue was no exception. I give it a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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