Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Amazing Spider-Man #13

Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Giuseppe Camunculi
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Jun 1, 2016

   A new supervillain on the block cleverly named Orka attacks the New York harbor,  but is quickly incapacitated by apparently everybody's favorite new hero, Regent. Back at Parker Industries, Harry Osborne, Betty Brandt and Peter Parker catch up on old times, planning a lunch in which Pete's invite is coincidentally missing due to him being so busy. As they walk out, Pete is besieged by yes-men and he escapes, swinging above his favorite city. High above the big apple, he spies his protege Miles Morales as Spider-Man, practicing in a batting cage with Pete's former Avengers partner-turned-constant jealous rival, Iron Man. Once they start bantering back and forth, a very newsworthy fight between them immediately gets underway.
   Meanwhile at lunch with Betty and Harry, the incomparable and current Stark Industries employee Mary Jane Watson comes walking up to join them. After a few minutes the conversation moves to Regent becoming such a phenomenon so quickly. As they talk, Harry remembers being saved by the superhero as well as Roman Augustus being hurt at the recent gala attack, and the trio quickly come to the obvious conclusion that Roman is actually Regent.
   Back at the aptly named "Cellar", Regent confers with his assistant Dr. Stillwell. She informs him that they were able to beam all of Orka's super abilities into his suit. He sees on his monitor Spider-Man and Iron Man attacking each other and decides it's time for the next phase - move from capturing villains and onto heroes. The first in that line is Miles Morales. Regent captures him and brings him to the cellar to harvest his powers. As he and his assistant discuss the near certain conclusion that the Avengers will come for him, he replies "let them", and as his disguised alter-ego Roman, he leaves the room and runs right into the Bugle's star reporter, Betty Brandt. She immediately calls him out, asking if he's actually Regent. He begins to answer and with that, we're left to be continued.
   I thoroughly enjoyed this Regent storyline, as it's the reemergence of the villain we were only beginning to learn about in Renew Your Vows, which obviously all occurred in a separate timeline from this one. Spider-Man finally gets to confront him in the real Marvel universe. Should be good. I give this issue an 8/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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