Monday, January 9, 2017

All New X-Men #10

Written by Dennis Hopeless
Penciled by Mark Bagley
Cover by Mark Bagley
Published Jun 8, 2016

   Having been abandoned by Evan and the actual, real, young version of Apocalypse himself, Beast wakes up surrounded by ancient Egyptians and almost certainly about to be put to death. Luckily for him though, their wise man explains to them that it might not be too smart a move since he's the only one who would have answers on the whereabouts of their master's son - so cooler heads prevail. He takes him back to his quarters and fashions a spell that will have him talking. 
   Hank's being pretty much experimented on when the father of En Sabah bursts in, beating up the wise man and explaining it's time to step it up a notch. While in Perunefer, Evan is amazed to see the boy who will someday become the biggest genocidal mass murderer of all time actually diffuse a situation with kindness as their friend Erika starts a ruckus in the town square. They all decide to go cliff-diving and Erika explains the young sultan En Sabah never measured up to his father's conquering ways. She asks if that sounds like he's supposed to become evil some day and Evan responds with an "I don't know..."
   The group decides to take it's chances and sail with Erika's father to the next port. En Sabah begs Evan to come with them, but he explains he can't leave Hank. Suddenly the Raiders, En Sabah's father's rivals, attack. Using his powers, Evan fights back. Aboard the ship and sailing away, they suddenly receive a blind telepathic hologram... En Sabah's father has Beast tied up and being tortured. He says to them all he'll see them soon, and with that, this issue comes to a close.
   Good story. Not all too X-Mennish since it's just Kid Apocalypse and Beast but an enjoyable chapter of this story nonetheless. I give it a 7/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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