Monday, April 10, 2017

Uncanny Inhumans #20

Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Ario Anindito
Cover by Frazer Irving
Published Mar 22, 2017

   Maximus is at long last finished with his plan to create more terrigen crystals. In India, he opens Banyan's workshop doors to show everyone the big finish. There before them lies an incredible factory, with Banyan's best men and a crazy Inhuman engineer named Kludge. Maximus gets the factory to work while Lineage and Triton discuss a plan to murder him as soon as possible. Compelled to wait until the crystals are finished, it takes three days and Maximus tells them he's done. They walk in and instead of building crystals, he and Kludge have built a gigantic robot they intend to stomp on mutants with. Banyan is infuriated. He intends to take out his anger on Maximus but not before the Unspoken returns.
   Intent on getting the crystals from him, the Unspoken is still a little upset with being forced to marry a fish queen. She allows him to get his revenge before they're to spawn. Maximus and Kludge jump into the gigantic robot and the battle is on. Banyan watches as it crushes the factory before pulling out a gigantic sword to fight the robotic fish that the Unspoken and his queen are in. It swipes the robot and there on the tip of the sword rests Unspoken. Unfortunately for Maximus, Kludge used terrigen to fuel the robot, and instead it fuels the Unspoken into a giant. It tears the robot in half and Maximus attempts to take over his brain. Banyan once again comes after him but Triton cuts the wood man's hands, arms and jaw off. With the Unspoken threat neutralized... somehow, Triton asks why Maximus didn't just make the crystals. He essentially eludes to the fact that he's the only one who can make them, thus becoming too important to ever kill.
   The issue ends with an Inhumans vs X-Men epilogue. Blackbolt and the newly unthroned Medusa sit in a bar talking. Since Emma Frost's attack is wearing off on the former Inhuman king, conversation is something he won't be able to engage in for much longer. She asks him if he'd known the effects of terrigen on mutants, would he have released it and he tells her no. They recap the events of the series and how they're newly grown numbers will allow them that much power. Blackbolt's speech shatters her wineglass, pretty much rendering him forever mute once again and Flagman runs in. A huge party has been organized for the Queen's farewell. They salute her. She raises her glass and salutes them back... "To the future" she says - and all rejoice. And with that, this series comes to a close.
   The last page of this comic is a letter from Charles Soule to his audience and I have to say, it's a pretty good one. He was basically told to take these characters and turn them into something. Essentially he took at best some B to C level cast offs  and formed what will become more and more important of a franchise to Marvel. Not an easy task and he's gracious to his pencilers, editors, and readers for helping him do it. He did a good job. I give this issue a 10/10 as a worthy final issue, and I'm looking forward to seeing where they take the Inhumans next.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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