Monday, April 24, 2017

Batman #20

Written by Tom King
Penciled by David Finch
Cover by David Finch
Published Apr 5, 2017

   After tearing through practically every villain Batman has ever faced, Bane finally reaches the Bat. He tells him it's the end, but Batman knows this isn't how he was supposed to die. He was supposed to die while saving a crashing airplane. Hearing a voice in his head and reflecting back, he tells Bane that he's heard it a million times and yet, he's still here. But that plane WAS supposed to crash. Finding Gotham and Gotham Girl was a way to save more people. Two heroes that couldn't die like so many under the Batman's wing before. What a relief that must have been, says the voice.
   Batman takes punch after punch, finally being taunted that Bane plans to kill everyone he loves. Alfred, Gotham Girl, Catwoman, Commisioner Gordon.. even describing the methods. The voice reminds him he could still fix Claire. Just find the Pirate. Yes, invading a sovereign country isn't legal so it took a team of former enemies. Then let Bane beat you while the plan was executed. Bane tells him that after he kills everyone, he'll watch the city burn from one of Batman's favorite brooding gargoyles. The voice resumes - You knew he'd follow you back to Gotham. You knew he'd do anything to get the Pirate back. You worked daily to get Claire back and waited - for the one man you know could break you. You took each punch. Through broken ribs, through dimmed sight, you heard a voice - your very own mother.
   She tells him it's ok to give up. But with every step, every punch, Bruce the man is empowered by his mother's memory. For the first time since he lost them, he felt safe. He reached for them and they reached for him back. But he knew every option. And as Bane is screaming at him, asking him if he knows really who Bane is, ending with a loud "I AM BANE!" He thought about Claire. And triumphantly as ever before, he head butts the supervillain and hits back with "I'm Batman..." As Bane lays on he floor, he knows he's lost. Batman won't give up. He won't let Claire go. He suffered through all of this to win this war. Back in his head, his mother tells him it was all suffered for victory. But Bruce tells her that that wasn't it. The girl needed help so he helped her. She tells him that he never needed a good death for her to be proud of him. He tells her that he knows. And with that, this story comes to an end.
   The difference between this book and most other books I read is that with Tom King's Batman, you know you're literally reading something that will be complied in a graphic novel someday as a masterpiece. He has such a skill with words, that you read this and you know this is the reason you read comic books. The only thing that transpires in real time in this issue is the fight with Bane. And you hang on to each panel being completely shocked with the dialogue. Great series. Great art. Great colors... I give this issue a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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