Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Civil War II: X Men #3

Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Andrea Broccardo
Cover by David Yardin
Published Aug 17, 2017

   Somewhere in the future, Rachel Gray and some of her fellow mutants are on leashes - forced to track other mutants like dogs. It's a vision that sticks with her. Today however, she walks the streets of London in the aftermath of yet another terragenesis event. There with her is Magneto, who forces her to realize that the humans are very much more interested in the new Inhumans than the mutants that have died. He explains to her about Ulysses and how his powers could be used against mutants. In the future that she's from, did she ever see an Inhuman lift a finger for mutantkind?
   Meanwhile in New York, Medusa and Lockjaw meet with Storm to discuss the recent spying incident between Fantomex and Gambit. Obviously the queen is upset but Storm says the party they sent was for their own protection. Magneto however was possibly looking to eliminate Ulysses. Therefore, Storm requests the Inhumans allow the X-Men to handle their former greatest enemy. She agrees but if Magneto does anything else, she'll have to respond in kind.
   Back in the Savage Land, Woz the Inhuman sneaks into War Room X. There the X-Men discuss a plan to secure Ulysses when Sabretooth smells the intruder. They capture him and acknowledge their timeline may be quickly changing. In New York, Gambit holds Fantomex hostage when Storm's team appears to interrogate the spy. He gives up his info quickly - Magneto had sent him in to scope out but not engage. Suddenly Logan hears Archangel approaching. The bungalow explodes and Nightcrawler teleports Fantomex out of the building. Not too far away as Sabertooth, Fantomex, Monet, and now Nightcrawler prepare for a fight. There the X-Men face off against each other...
   Gambit sees Rogue approach and seeing his soft spot for her, Mystique drops her disguise and knocks him out. Logan and Victor Creed savagely slash each other while eventually it dawns on them what this mission is - a distraction. Outside New Attilan, Rachel and Magneto approach the city with apparent bad intentions. We have to wait to see what happens however, as we're left to be continued.
   Cullen Bunn is flexing his muscles with this group and it's paying off. Obviously this sets into motion the breakups and makeups of the previous X-titles, merging into the battle with the Inhumans, and it's bridging along nicely. The X-Men have fought each other before and I'm certain they will again. Still this tale stands on it's own and I'm looking forward tot he next chapter. I give this one a 9/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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