Monday, April 17, 2017

Extraordinary X-Men #20

Written by Jeff Lemire
Penciled by Victor Ibanez
Cover by David Yardin
Published Mar 22, 2017

   War is over. With the terrigen threat neutralized, it's time for the X-Men to go home. Even though the stay in limbo was always supposed to be temporary, Storm really felt like it was all coming to an end. Colossus tells her they're ready for another group transport out. A very much happier Nightcrawler joins the crowd and Jean and Storm reminisce when Martha the brain tells Storm she's sensed a distress signal. Forge attempts to pinpoint it but being too weak, it's determined a team will need to be organized one final time.
   On a farm in South Dakota, they're drawn to an old creepy farmhouse. As they draw near it, hordes of wild and oddly insect infused sentinals fly out at them.. Logan has no problem shredding them and Martha senses Sentinal-gone-good Cerebra nearby, but the attack isn't her doing. Jean Gray is distracted during the fight and the still crushing Glob saves her. Ernst leads the team to the farmhouse on property and there in the back is a disembodied and damaged Cerebra.
   She tells the group that during the attack from Emma Frost, she cast her AI across any network available. Finally finding a host, she's been stranded here, in the location of Emma's Inhuman hunting sentinal factory ever since. The robots the X-Men encountered were the remnants, programmed to act as a last ditch effort of security. Cerebra tells the team how she's not much use to anyone without her body and Martha has an idea. Ready to shed her cybernetic body, she gives it to Cerebra and they return to X-Haven to help with the continued move.
   The issue wraps with Storm meeting the last of her X-Men with nothing more left to do. Iceman has an idea. A last minute baseball game with her teammates. Jeannie pitches to Logan, who accuses her of using telekinesis... Storm wistfully thinks back. Instead of constantly being afraid there'd be no future, now it's time to reflect on what  that future holds.. And with that, this series comes to a close.
   I'm sad to see this book ending. For awhile, this felt like the flagship of the X-series. It had the best writing but scantly the best artwork - this issue being no exception. Still, it was full for a spinoff title and seemed to do a great job of remembering why we fell in love with the original All New X-Men in the first place. I'm looking forward to seeing the old teams reunited but this wrap is bittersweet. I give this particular issue a 5/10 for being a crummy waste of a story but a 10/10 for a title overall. 

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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