Sunday, April 2, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy #18

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Valerio Schiti
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published Mar 15, 2017

   Angela and Gamora share a moment on earth after the Civil War that brought her back there. Thanking her, Angela tells her that she has some unfinished business on this planet and that this isn't goodbye. She takes off and returns to the apartment  of her long lost lover, Sera. Crawling into the window, she discovers that Sera is most definitely not waiting for her. Instead, she runs into a rather unkempt gentleman eating cereal and wearing a Fantastic Four shirt. 
   He tells her she has the wrong apartment. She says she used to live there. Through some quick discussion, she tells him that in case she is to ever return, to tell her that she never meant to leave her. That she was taken. He has a "WTF" moment and she leaves the way she came in. She isn't given much time to ponder the events as her blade rather immediately makes contact with an assassin standing behind her. She asks who he is, that the blow should have ended him, and he counters with an electroshock knocking her off the building. Landing in a garden, she chucks a garden gnome at him revealing another puzzled moment from one of earth's residents. He tells her he was here looking for the titan Gamora, but finding her instead is a more than apt prize. He tells her he is Maxilin The Accuser, and the shock on her face says that she's more than a little acquainted with him.
   Their battle rages on, much to the delight of some confused New Yorkers. Eventually though he lets his guard down and she's able to disarm him, taking one of his lightsaber like blades and running him through. Defeated, he knows he's in danger. He makes her an offer. His ship, available to bring her anywhere in the Galaxy if they can leave soon. She accuses him of trickery but he remains adamant. The biggest and most murderous tyrant is coming for earth and he's not alone. What he intends to do with it, he can't say. She disarms a policeman and leaps away. Looking in the sky, she sees the reflection of his ship. Thanos is coming.. and earth is in big big trouble.
   I love this book. It's maybe not the best one in the Marvel stable but it's certainly still miles away from some others. For all the grief I give Bendis, he's still such a gem in this industry. Great comic book and getting better, I give it a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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