Friday, August 5, 2016

Uncanny X-Men #10

Written by Cullen Bunn
Pencils by Ken Lashley
Cover by Greg Land
Release Date: Jul 20, 2016

   I've read my fair share of X-Men comics in my day. Back then, it was easy to keep up with your books because there was a limited amount of titles dedicated to a character (or characters) at any given time. That's apparently all over with. DC and Marvel have launched their flagship books a million times just in this last decade alone. I had a real problem with the first time I saw this when in 2011, Uncanny X-Men #544 said "Final Issue" across the cover. I was like "WHA?!" This cannot be! Apparently the New 52 over at DC was ready to do the same thing. Only over there, they at least kept Action Comics and Detective Comics, the two landmark books in the DC realm with their original numbering... or at least close to it anyway. Marvel - not so much :( The next issue that came to me in the mail was All New X-Men #1. I was pretty mad. I'm not gonna lie. But then, I discovered the stroytelling of Brian Michael Bendis, so everything was forgiven. And I've been pretty happy ever since.
   Written by Cullen Bund and penciled by Ken Lashley, this issue cuts right to the action. Fresh off the heels of Psylocke telekinetically calling out to Archangel, she instead signals thousands of clones that Apocalypse's son Genocide has been creating using pieces of Angel's wings. They show up and just start killing everybody in this quaint little Bible thumping town in Colorado. She finds a way to warp into Warren's mind where she sees fragments of his memories sitting around this freaky church, under this huge Apocalypse statue. Meanwhile, Genocide is fighting with Magneto and Mystique, whom in my opinion they end up killing a little too easily. Next finds Monet and her weird, freak brother Emplate (who last issue you discover has been living in the sewers eating Morlocks) being merged secretly together right before Sabertooth shows up to save the day.... Eventually, the REAL Archangel flies down in this Judgement Day type affect, and he and Warren transfer into one another, becoming some kind of zombie Archangel who can control the voices. Fantomex and Mystique run off, and leave Magneto with some explaining to Betsy about why he's running around with these secret X-Men. The issue ends with Psylocke able to go to church in Angel's mind with all these old school versions of him in the pews, listening to Warren be able to do his best Pat Robertson impression. 
   I enjoyed this issue and look forward to #11 - the teaser panel in the back alludes to Monet's hand with the Emplate mouth, and all the other Uncanny team posing fiercely and about to fight a dinosaur. Savage Land time? One can only hope...
If you like my review, check out the accompanying video HERE

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