Saturday, August 27, 2016

Guardians of the Galaxy #5

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Valerio Schiti
Cover by Arthur Adams and Jason Keith
Released Feb 10, 2016

   As the imperial gangster Yotat arrives on Spartax to finish off Drax, Peter Quill begs him for mercy/distracts him long enough for Rocket to blow him away. The shot isn't lethal though, and as he lays recovering, Drax decides he'll get some licks in. Yotat manages to get the upper hand again as Ben Grimm slugs him and Venom takes his weapons away, finally incapacitating him. 
   Star Lord asks Kitty Pryde who this guy is, and through a flashback she explains that they came across him in Knowhere while showing Thing around space. Yotat appears as a bully beating up various aliens he's shaking down, and Drax and Thing of course take exception to it. Rocket blasts him and just when he's about to get up, the Knowhere Corps show up and take him into custody. He swears revenge, and yadda yadda yadda, the Guardians fly away.
   Back in the present, the Spartax Royal Guard show up to apprehend Yotat and King Quill tells them it's more important to find the Last Accuser before she escapes. She ends up with guns pointed at her head, and we see Gamora and Groot healing in the hospital. The Spartax Council reveals to Quill he's no longer King because they all hold HIM responsible for all the damage Yotat caused. Pete and Kitty phase through the building, and the Guardians take off, fugitives once more.
   The issue ends with the Brood Queen and Anhilius in the Negative Zone planning a raid on the Galaxy. We gotta wait till issue 6 to find out what's gonna happen.

This description is accompanied with a video complete with artwork HERE.

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