Friday, August 26, 2016

Batman #5

Written by Tom King
Penciled by David Finch
Cover by David Finch, Danny Miki, and Jordie Bellaire
Release Date: Aug 17, 2016

   Gotham City's newest hero Gotham (and his sister Gotham Girl) have completely lost it, thanks to the Psycho Pirate and Hugo Strange. Now Gotham is seemingly on a mission to destroy Gotham City, and Batman clearly isn't going to stand for it. Being too far away to intervene, he tells Alfred to put on the batsuit and run over him with the batmobile. Alfred complies and distracts him, just long enough for Batman to show up and try to kill him/talk Gotham out of it.
   Meanwhile back at the Batcave, Duke works on Gotham Girl trying to get a reason for the brother and sister's rampage, and how to stop them. Gotham Girl explains that they're infected with fear from the pirate, just as Batman prepares to crash the Batwing into Gotham. Still fighting to the death and coming up short, Batman tells Alfred to call up the Justice League while Gotham Girl goes nuts back at the cave and trashes all of Bruce's monitors and Duke's Robin suit and all this other bullshit.
   Superman, Wonder-Woman, Cyborg, Flash, and Aquaman show up to help and Gotham pretty much starts kicking everybody's ass. All the while Duke tries to get answers from Gotham Girl who finally reveals that their powers are limited, using years off their normal lives in exchange for credit to be super-human. Finally, just as Gotham is about to kill Batman, Gotham Girl appears out of nowhere and kills Gotham. Immediately. In like 4 super quick comic panels... it's all over.
If you liked this review, check out my accompanying video for it HERE

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