Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Justice League #3

Written by Bryan Hitch
Penciled by Sandu Florea, Tony S. Daniel
Covers by Mark Morales, Tony S. Daniel
Release Date: Aug 17, 2016

   As the Kindred beings begin to slowly appear and take shape on the different corners of the globe, Wonder Woman heads to Russia to engage one of them. Demanding it release the people it holds captive, she stabs it in the head with a lightning bolt and is pulled inside with the horde of it's prisoners, calling her to "join them".
   The massive beings begin walking towards each other from Japan, Russia, and Australia while the Green Lanterns fight the insect like projectiles being hurled to earth and attempt to locate their source. Flash and Cyborg continue to fight them from their locations as well, as Batman interrupts Cyborg to tell him he's needed at the Kent Farm to try and convince the increasingly reclusive Superman that they desperately need his help.
   Simon and Jessica begin to destroy the weird insect planet thing while Cyborg and Batman work out a plan to send Superman to the center of the earth with my favorite quote literally being "So all you need to do is travel to the earth's core and take out these extinction machines..." I mean, that's it?
Superman struggles with the molten core's intense heat while billions of the insect things swarm out, completely covering Cyborg whom is emitting some sort of high pitched noise to confuse them. Obviously it doesn't work.
   Meanwhile the fourth Kindred arises from Atlantis, baffling Aquaman with it's continued crystal singing noises which stop suddenly as the massive supernatural being begins its long walk to join the others. Wonder Woman remains in a strange limbo world and appears to be blasted with some sort of strange light, while we finally see the 4 humongous humanoids united horrifyingly together. The issue concludes with Superman finding one of the sources of the killing machines at the earth's core. He attempts to blast it with his heat vision which doesn't work, and he's left standing there wondering what to do...

For an accompanying video of this review including artwork, etc, please check it out HERE.

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