Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Uncanny Inhumans #9

Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Kev Walker
Cover by Mahmud Asrar
Published May 25, 2016

   Queen Medusa was married to Blackbolt, but yadda yadda yadda, now she's with the Human Torch. They've kept it a pretty good secret, but in the last issue, a building was falling on the both of them. Just in time, the queen's sister Crystal (and Johnny Storm's ex-girlfriend), got there to rescue them... And saw them both making out in the rubble. Obviously upset about this, Crystal uses her powers and accidentally teleports all three of them to the arena of the Tourneyman. As he unleashes his monologue, Johnny has the same reaction that I had to a lot of this series: "Great! One of these guys!" He commands them all to fight, and then unexpectedly - just.. dies.
   The guards make a run for it. Knowing the only way to find out where they are and how to get back home, the Inhumans (+ Human Torch) run after them. On the way to the escape pods, the team runs by scores of battlegrounds being fought in by thousands of combatants. As they reach their destination, the guards show them that the ship they're on is slowly making its way into the sun. They decide to take all of the fighters with them back to Earth. As they began the teleportation, the guards break through. In the chaos, Crystal forgives Medusa, whom then immediately (and unwittingly) throws her sister into the portal. It's up to Medusa and Johnny Storm to save the rest of the combatants, as she throws the guards through first and slowly but surely, death looks imminent. Salvation comes however, from her dear sister - whom through the portal on Earth, sends a wave of water to wash the two holdouts back. As they realize they're all alive, they embrace each other... and with that, the issue wraps...
   I kind of crash coursed on both Inhuman books in a binge session and it took a bit to figure it out. Now that I've been along the ride a bit, characters are starting to become memorable and I like where it's heading. I give this issue a 7/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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