Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Uncanny Avengers #9

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Pepe Larraz 
Cover by Mark Bagley
Published May 18, 2016

   Gambit is in New Orleans prepping for an art heist when Rogue shows up. She confides in her old flame that she was freaked out recently, after coming into contact with Red Skull, whom used Professor X's powers to make her see what he wanted her to see. Gambit offers to join the Unity Squad, but the conversation is interrupted when Captain America orders her to help some Russian astronauts on their way back into Earths orbit. Rouge does so and encounters legendary original Avenger Hank Pym, aka Ant Man, who claims he's happy to see a friendly face.
   She brings him to meet the other Avengers who after seeing him have reason for concern. Pym is wearing his cybertronic invention Ultron, whom he claims is now completely under his control. He's asked to submit his Ultron suit for testing, to which he's surprised to see Cable and Deadpool, 2 known terrorists, as members of the team. He regretfully shows them he has nothing to hide, and jaunts off for a burger and to see the Avengers mansion.
   Cap radios Janet, Hank's former wife, to explain to her that he's not actually dead. Meanwhile back at the now touristy former Avengers mansion, Rogue explains to Hank that there was a memorial service for him when they thought he had been killed. He destroys the memorial, tells the caretaker to send the bill to Deadpool, and with that the issue concludes.
   It's good to see original Avengers in any state, and as all of these "other" titles make their way towards the eventual re-launched flagship title, they're all coming home one way or the other. I'm also psyched to see Steve Rogers as the original Captain America because what can I say - I'm a sucker for nostalgia. Looking forward to see where this stroyline goes. I give in an 8/10.

If you like this description, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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