Thursday, December 29, 2016

Civil War II #1

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by David Marquez
Cover by Marko Djurdjevic
Published Jun 1, 2016

  The issue opens with Ulysses, the new Inhuman discovered in Issue #0 running through the woods near Ohio State and into the arms of the Inhumans. Weeks later, they team up with the Avengers, the Ultimates, the X-men, and scores of sorcerers to defeat a gigantic celestial attacking Manhattan. Meeting up for the superhero party of the century to celebrate, everyone heads back to Stark Tower where after meeting the Inhuman who predicted the ethereal being's attack, Tony and Carol Danvers argue over pretty much the plot to the film Minority Report. Captain Marvel asserts that if it's a future threat, it should be neutralized. Iron Man thinks it's dangerous.
   Three weeks later in the Inhuman capital of New Attilan, Ulysses wakes up with a new future prediction, telling Medusa they have to call the Ultimates. Back in Stark Tower, Tony is in the laboratory when Mary Jane comes in with startling news. Tony's best pal Colonel Rhodes aka War Machine is dead. He lands at Ultimates HQ looking for answers, storms in after reflecting for a moment at James' lifeless body, and finds Carol Danvers at the bedside of a comatose She-Hulk. She explains that there was a mission where the Inhuman with the visions was able to predict where Thanos would be. War Machine, a few Avengers, and the Ultimates ambushed and captured him, but not before he pretty much punched James Rhodes' body in half. Tony vows to never let this happen again and flies away, and the issue concludes with She-Hulk flatlining, and Captain Marvel in tears. What will happen next? We'll have to wait until Issue #2 to find out.
   Years in the making, and pretty much set to knock the entire Marvel off it's keel... again, Civil War starts with a bang. The creative force of Brian Michael Bendis plus David Marquez predictably doesn't disappoint, as they've found a way to combine drama and action in a way only they can. This was an amazing issue and left me eagerly awaiting the next. I give it a very deserving 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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