Wednesday, March 3, 2021

New Mutants #8-12

New Mutants #8-12

Written by Ed Brisson
Penciled by Marco Failla and Flaviano
Published Feb-Aug 2020

   Something is killing mutants in the former soviet nation of Carnelia. Mirage recruits a few friends, including an unwilling boom Boom to help. When they get there, they find an endangered mutant who is putting the entire country at risk, sucking people into her nightmare. The new mutants do all they can to help the girl, eventually pulling her out to return to Krakoa. Unfortunately they're all seemingly under arrest by the paramilitary Carnelian government. Luckily Magick arrives and whisks them all home before any trouble can begin.
   The story has a epilogue though. Striking out at a mutant hating site called Dox, the docile mutants become pretty mad at the bigoted editors and writers, threatening to kill them if they don't stop. Instead they settle on a compromise. for every mutant they publish an address of, that address must be counter published with the writer's address. What happens next though will be anybody's guess as the multi-issue crossover X of Swords prepares to begin.

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