Friday, March 19, 2021

Captain America #20-25: All Die Young


Written by Ta-Nahisi Coates
Penciled by Bob Quinn and Daniel Acuna
Published Mar - Nov 2020

   While the Daughters of America continue to imbed themselves in a quiet American town, Selene continues to take it over. But the biggest shock of all is that General Ross - whom Captain America was accused of murdering, is actually still alive. 

   Meanwhile, former Daughter Alexandra Lukin and other members of the Power Elite remain resilient in their attempts to resurrect her husband Alexander, but trapped in his mind is portions of the soul of Red Skull. And while Cap, Bucky, and Falcon make their final stand against Selene, it takes the best parts of an Iron Patriot and Shuri team up to finally defeat her. In the end, Sharon Carter is mystically rendered younger. Her renewed youth comes in useful while they attempt top save Ross and her recently undead aunt Peggy.  

If your like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Captain America #20
Captain America #21

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