Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Upload S1 Ep 4: The S*x Suit


Upload S1 Ep 4: The S*x Suit

Upload Episode 4 Review – Season 1

Upload Season 1 is over as all episodes were released on 1st may 2020. So far it has been worth watching upload tv series.  Episode 4 begins as David Choak, a billionaire who takes it upon himself to teach Nathan golfing.

Upload Episode 4 Review Season 1


Upload Episode 4 Review – Season 1

If there is one thing you have not noticed in upload Tv series is how important it is to be rich before you die. Life there is not as simple as it is. That is why it’s made up of data and app purchases. This comes in mind what life would have been if we all needed data and money to enjoy an activity or even a meal.

The A.I guy has been really interesting. Initially Nathan did not see his relevance of being there. As time went on he had to deal with. It is all part of the package of being in Horizen.

Someone should reveal the policy of Horizen client support center to us. Now than Nora broke the ice, she has fallen into the comfort of Nathan.  Nora and Nathan talks about how wealthy and well lived Choak had lived his life. At some point it chokes Nathan, he wish he had lived long. He imagined how old he could have been if he was still alive.

Upload Episode 4 Review

As Nora has come across a lot, she opts to show Nathan the other side of Horizen. In the real sense she is looking into the death of Nathan. Nora shows what it is like to enjoy certain things in Horizen. Having data is also in important there. (Life must be boring and annoying over there without data) Just as they discuss how others cannot even afford clothes, a naked man passes by without a penis.

Life can be very controlling, but in Horizen it can be worse. Ingrid has the money, she has the plan and now Nathan is in his world. Their meeting in more times were represented by Ingrid even though Nathan was around. He feels disrespected anytime he is around Ingrid, now he can’t make hit own decisions.

As this episode is named; sex suit, we couldn’t wait to see how the sex will be like. Horizen has quite a good technology around. Just as Ingrid begins to romance and be playful she realizes that Nathan has no boner. She was indeed desperate for it, with that fierce and eagerness in her eyes. Ingrid calls for tech support only to see “jealous Nora” show up. But why was Nora jealous? Does he like Nathan” it is pretty obvious there is a bit of a flame there. Seeing the sex suit coming up on her screen she begins to blaze. It felt like a disappointment to her. Later on, Nathan tries to apologies, but Nora brushes it off.

This tv series has been very interesting, the part time investigator who Nathan refers as the gym instructor begins to put the puzzle together. Well, she was right about being good in puzzle. Something was not right and she is so close to bringing out the truth.

Nora ends app installing the nitely app again Aleesha notices how distressed she wants to hook up. She had been waiting for long after craving for Nathan. Nora opens her door only to find the same guy ….. She knows she’s been deceived but this time it is for a payback. Throughout the sex, she takes control and all she could picture in her mind was how hot Nathan was looking that day. Something tingled and triggered her hormones.  This surely confirms, Nora has feelings for Nathan or she is just crushing on Nathan. Finally she gets her five(5) star and ready to push her boss to sign the loan for her dad.

The gym instructor who as a character is known as Fran Booth has been on this case persistently and consistently. What is in her for? is it justice or just doing what she is expected to? Fran walks to the shop where Nathan’s car was parked before he died. She needed to see as she discovered something strange with Nathan’s car in episode 3. Finally, Fran gets to see the tape only for her to see who was around the car before the night of the car crash. She feels so content about getting close to the case. She is indeed trying to fix the puzzle.

Stick to us as we bring you the review on episode 5 of upload.

Upload episode 4
Nora ends app installing the nitely app again Aleesha notices how distressed she wants to hook up
Upload Episode 4
Finally she gets her five(5) star and ready to push her boss to sign the loan for her dad.

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