Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Avengers #31-38: The Age of Kohnshu


Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Ed McGuiness and Javier Garron
Published Feb-Nov 2020

 So basically here’s the gist. A time traveling Tony Stark is back somehow, and he’s teemed up with Captain Marvel to keep the Starbrand baby out of Moon Knight’s hands. That said, Marc Spector, aka Moon Knight has completely lost his mind. His bird god Khonshu has summoned him, causing him to summarily defeat each Avenger for their secret powers... until he meets Black Panther. Through 2 or 3 solid issues, T’Challa fights him back while the other Avengers catch up., In the end, it was all a misunderstanding to try and kill Mephisto... I guess. Either way, the Phoenix force is back and she’s pissed. What’s gonna happen next? Guess we’ll have to tune in to find out...-- 

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