Monday, November 30, 2020

Star Wars #1-6: The Destiny Path


Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Jesus Saiz
Published Jan-Sep 2020

   Following the events of the Empire Strikes Back, the Rebellion is forced to deal with what they assume is a traitor in Lando Calrissian. Meanwhile, Luke struggles with the news that Darth Vader is actually his father. Making sure to keep him close, Leia sends Chewbacca with Lando on a trip back to Cloud City. Luke tags along in an attempt to find his hand/lightsaber... Of course they're soon captured but Lando is the expert at being able to talk himself out of things.
   After continuing to see visions of a woman courting him to learn Jedi secrets, Luke is soon introduced to the mysterious Verla, who after some persuasions reluctantly gives the young Jedi some instruction. Oh, also - one cool thing that happens is Leia is quickly frozen in carbonite and we get reintroduced to the cyborg Lobot. All in all, some AWESOME writing form Charles Soule (which was never in doubt) and incredible illustration from Jesus Saiz. I love where this one is going.. I give this arc an easy 10/10.

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