Monday, November 9, 2020

Avengers #26-30: Starbrand Reborn


Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Dale Keown, Ed McGuinness, and Andrea Sorrentino
Published Nov 2019-Jan 2020

   So the Starbrand is a magical cosmic force, right? And it was in the pre-historic Avengers as Hulk that Iron Man has currently been transported back in time to. But either way, that was then (and sort of now) but in the present, the Avengers have a more pressing situation on their hands. The Starbrand has put itself in a pregnant migrant woman from Kansas, and now Gladiator and the Sh'air want her dead to prevent the universe from ending.
   Fear not though. Because although Silver Surfer and some other cosmics are involved, the Avengers + Ghost Rider + Blade covered in Man-Thing + Black-Widow-In-Stark-Armor are here to save the day. Plus appearances from Captain Marvel and She-Hulk, this one goes off the rails pretty quickly. At the end, the baby is born with the Starbrand mark as her poor mother passes away. But what will happen in the future? We'll have to wait to find out.

I give this one a 7/10. 

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