Monday, August 6, 2018

The Immortal Hulk #1-2

Written by Al Ewing
Penciled by Joe Bennett
Covers by Alex Ross
Published June 6 and July 4, 2018

   In a gas station in Arizona, a shaky stickup man panics and ends up shooting two customers and the clerk. Problem is that one of them is Bruce Banner and Banner can’t ever seem to stay dead. Later on, the robber meets up with his debtors and the paltry amount of money he got doesn’t go very far.

Nope. Not dead.

   Suddenly a boom registers outside. The Hulk kills most of the gang and terrorizes Tommy the gunman. Enraged, he beats the guy up.... Badly. The next morning, Detective Gloria Mayes and reporter Jackie McGee have a hunch who the mystery monster is reigning terror in their quiet town, as Bruce Banner looks in the mirror wondering the same thing.

Who am I?!

   The former doctor is ready to move on, and on the bus spies a green shimmer in a nearby mountain. He sees a newspaper talking about several local deaths and stops into a bar to ask about it. He learns the local high school quarterback was the first to pass away, as well as consequently, the boy’s father just happened to be a radioactive scientist. 

You don't say?!

   When Banner visits the boy’s grave, he feels radiation emanating from the ground. Remembering the green light in the mountain, he scales it and discovers Dr. Frye, the now radioactive scientist who kills anyone who discovers him. Bruce hulk’s out and learns the truth. The scientist used gamma radiation to enhance his son’s athleticism... but accidentally killed him in the process. Since the Hulk is now a vigilante weirdo, he tears the mans arms and legs off and buries him miles under the surface. The issue ends with the EPA discovering the boy’s still living radioactive son in his grave. What happens next? We’re left to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

So that's how it is on their family.

   So Bruce Banner is back. That’s great. But now he’s a Punisher-type avenging maniac?! Ok... I guess. For years and years, big green has been afraid to face his power. But now he’s ready to turn the page. Perhaps this is what we’ve been waiting for in a Hulk, although a smart hulk and a dumb Banner isn’t exactly a new spin. It’s at least an upgrade from weak Amadeus Cho. Let’s see where it goes. I give these two an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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